Our fund invests in public companies. We are value investors. Successful investing is more an expression of a way of life than a mere investment style. Successful investing requires character traits that are very much in line with the guidelines of Stoicism: Humility, independent thinking, emotional self-control, serenity and the lifelong pursuit of self-awareness and personal growth. Zeno of Citium was a Greek philosopher. He was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy and lectured in the eponymous portico in Athens. His philosophy influences Western culture until the present day.
Our fund invests in public companies. We are value investors. Successful investing is more an expression of a way of life than a mere investment style.
Successful investing requires character traits that are very much in line with the guidelines of Stoicism: Humility, independent thinking, emotional self-control, serenity and the lifelong pursuit of self-awareness and personal growth.
Zeno of Citium was a Greek philosopher. He was the founder of the Stoic school of philosophy and lectured in the eponymous portico in Athens. His philosophy influences Western culture until the present day.